Major diseases and pests of the strawberry are: white leaf spots, gray mold, Phytophthora rot, powdery mildew, violet brown / red / leaf spots, verticillium wilting, viruses, mycoplasma and bacterial diseases, aphids /transfer the diseases/, short-nosed weevils, cockchafer beetles, apple weevils, strawberry mite, spider mites, sawflies, slugs, nematodes and others.
The preservation from these pests is possible by agricultural and chemical events – planting quality disease and pests free seedlings. Limit white leaf spots, red leaf spots, powdery mildew, aphids, mites, strawberry nematode, sawflies and others. The areas are cleaned of dried leaves, straw, vegetable residues and others. The soil is tilled.
From budding to flowering
- Against White leaf spots spray with Kocide 101 VP – 0,12%, Funguran ОN 50 VP – 0,15%, Champion VP – 0,15%, Ditan М 45 – 0,2%.
- Against Red leaf spots spray with Topsin М 70 VP – 0,1%
- Against Phytophthora rot spray with Ridomil Gold MC 68 VP – 0,25%, Mikal Flash – 0,3%, Koreseit R VP – 0,25%.
- Against botrytis, in the beginning of the flowering, spray with Topsin M 70 VP – 0,1%, Tiram 80 VP – 0,3%, Sumilex 50 VP – 0,1%.
- Against powdery mildew use Punch 40 ЕК – 0,0075%, Sistan 24 Е – 0,01%, Baifidan 250 ЕК – 0,015%, Falcon 460 ЕК – 60 ml/ha. One or two sprayings are held – second-8-10 days after the first, and to the fungicide solution add zoocide against the apple weevil – Decis 2,5 ЕК – 0,03%, Reldan 50 ЕК – 0,15%, Nurelle D– 0,07%, Mospilan 20 SP – 0,0125%, Gazel – 0,0125%.Organophosphorus insecticides are toxic and against the strawberry nematode.
- Strawberry mite and spider mites – Envidor 240 SK – 40 ml/ha, Omit 57 Е – 0,1%.
In phenophase flowering
If necessary, spray against gray mold, white leaf spots, red leaf spots and powdery mildew. Use one of the mentioned fungicides for the corresponding desease, without those who containing copper.
Against mossy beetle use Nurelle D – 0,06%, Amout alpha– 0,04%, Supersect 10 ЕК – 12,5 ml/ha. The products are also toxic for other pests. Take precautions to protect the bees from poisoning. In small areas the mossy beetle is collected manually.
One spraying is held against diseases and pests, if necessary. Use one of the mentioned pesticides for the corresponding pests.
Against sluts use Venish – 300 gr/ha without quarantine period, Mezurol schneckenkorn – 300 gr/ha with quarantine period of 15 days.
In heavy rains, creating favorable conditions for the development of botrytis spray with Sumilex 50 VP – 0,1%. Spray after the harvesting of the ripe fruits.
Against white and red leaf spot, leaf wasps, mites, nematodes and other diseases and pests the foliage is cut, exported and burned, and the area cleaned from the paved straw, where insects like sawflies and other are found. The Straw is burned.
Against cockchafers larvae , adult weevils larvae and other diseases and pests, the soil is tilled , and in small areas is watered with 40 ml/ha Nurelle D 6-8 l/sq.m.
Against aphids, nematodes, mites and other pests 1 spraying is held with one of the mentioned for the corresponding pest, against adult apple weevils spray with Reldan 50 ЕК – 0,15%, Nurelled D – 0,1%, Dursban 4 Е – 0,15%, Mospilan 20 SP – 0,0125%, Gazel – 0,0125%. The products are also toxic against leaf sawfly larvae and other pests.
Against white and red leaf spots, Phytophthora rot and other diseases, if necessary, can be held 1-2 sprays with the corresponding for the disease fungicides. The spraying is combined with simultaneous combat against pests.
Against the causes of the diseases are usually held sprayings with fungicides for protection or in the beginning of the contamination of the plants. Against pests, products are used only when their density has reached a certain level, known as the threshold of economic harm. On the main pests of the strawberry thresholds are as follows:
- Applestalk weevil – during flowering – single adult insect; 10-15% attacked plants;
- Apple weevil – single adult insects, identified by the budding of plants; later 10-15% of theplants with damaged floral stems.
- Slugs – in first sight of damage.
- Dual Gold 260 ЕК – 120-150 ml/ha – against annual grasses and some broadleaf weeds tabled before transplanting.
- Basta 15 SL – 300 ml/ha – against annual grasses and broadleaf weeds, imported after the last harvest, in the active vegetation season of the weeds.
- Panther 40 ЕК – 150-250 ml/ha – against annual grasses and broadleaf weeds, cereal weeds, imported in 3-5 weed leaf stage.